






       My View on School Education School eduction has played an important role in people’s life. When reaching three tears old, the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education. And then they will take part in the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on. School eduction almost run through people’s whole life. So it is very important. We all know that thereare many knowledgeable teachers in school will teach the students. But it’s not enough. School eduction needs the coordination of family education. The British educator, Hosea Ballou once said,”Education mences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. Therefore, we can see that the successful of school education needs the help of family education so that the children can have a perfect education. The promissing future is waiting for them. 学校教育在人们的生活中扮演着很重要的角色。在小孩三岁的时候,他们就会去幼儿园进行学前教育。之后他们会去上小学,初中,高中,大学等。学校教育几乎贯穿人的一生。所以它是非常重要的。我们都知道,学校有很多知识渊博的老师来教学生知识。但这是不够的。学校教育需要家庭教育的协调。英国教育家巴卢曾经说过,“教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成”。因此,我们可以看到,学校教育的成功需要家庭教育的协助,使孩子们拥有一个完善的教育。光明的未来在等着他们。 Vocational education or College education Education has bee one of the most important things in one’s development, especially for young man. In order to get a good job in the future and enhance their advantages in the strong petition, youthful persons choose to obtain a degree by enter a college or to gain a special skill through vocational education. China’s higher education policy formed a strange phenomenon. On one side, more and more high school students enter college or university to gain a degree. And a big proportion of graduates cannot find a job because what they learned in college cannot help them to find one. On the other side, in the labor force market, there is a huge talent breach. As we know, vocational education can help one to find a job. However, people still treat vocational education not so highly. Because they regard vocational education is informal and has lower quality. As China’s development, the country will need more workers with excellent skills and polished technique knowledge. In colleges or universities, we can learn a lot knowledge in many aspects. And during vocational one, which teaches a job skill, we can gain some special skills. So in my opinion, to improve both kinds of education and bine them is necessary since they are the major forms for young people to learn. In the present-day society, a college student not only with rich knowledge learned in college and but with an education on job and skills can own a wonderful future. 缺点在于字数太多,有200了。 思路在于:第一段:描写现象。 第二段:大学教育受重视的原因,职业教育不受重视的原因。原因比较简单。 第三段:我的观点。两种教育要结合要改进,培养出有知识有技能的人才来。 学校教育和家庭教育对幼儿成长的影响和重要性为主题的 我给你一份 q我


       What is good education


        I will use two blocks said that this problem.It devided into direct education and indevided education.


        The first one:I can have a talk with the direct education.I think that I would have a talk family education.It's very important to make your future.When you were a small child,your mother told you how to walk,how to be a independent person,how to talk with others,how to share your food give others.How to deal with your friends realtionship.Mother was your mirror,if your mother and father give you more positive power,it will help your future to face your life,marriage,social,company,relatives,children,friends relationship.


        The second one:I can have a talk with the indirect education.I think that I would have a talk your school's education.It instructed you how to communicate with others,how to be a good learner.The teacher will have a big impress in your life,a good teacher will lead to more,created the excellent students.She will tell you how to study,and how to do a good person,how to love,big love,how to equal to others,how to fall down and smile,the finally,stand up.Not just tell you how to study.The high scores the lower brain,one student don't know how to life,I think that it was a big problem in his life.


        All in all,a good education will give you more power,knows how to be a accomplish person,how to talk with others,include your friends,lover,wife,husband,parents,study buddies,realtives,teacher and colleauge.



       关于家庭教育英语写作阅读篇五 富养与穷养 Raised In Rich and Poor Way

        In China, most people believe that boys should be raised in the poor way while the girls should be in the rich way. The poor way means to let the kids do things by their own and their parents won?t be satisfied them all the time. So the rich way means to take care of the kids carefully and pay attention to them. No matter which way the parents carry on, I think it is not the suitable way to raise a kid. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they need to be nursed both in the rich and poor ways. It is the parents? duty to take care of their kids, so they should be patient and kind. But when the children make mistakes, parents should not spoiled them. Kids must be educated and corrected their wrong action. Only in this way the kids can be taught well.


        In China, most people believe that boys should be raised in the poor way while the girls should be in the rich way. The poor way means to let the kids do things by their own and their parents won?t be satisfied them all the time. So the rich way means to take care of the kids carefully and pay attention to them. No matter which way the parents carry on, I think it is not the suitable way to raise a kid. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they need to be nursed both in the rich and poor ways. It is the parents? duty to take care of their kids, so they should be patient and kind. But when the children make mistakes, parents should not spoiled them. Kids must be educated and corrected their wrong action. Only in this way the kids can be taught well.



        家庭教师之我见 My View on Private Tutoring

        Recently, an investigation has caused heated debate among the society. The result of the investigation has showed that about 50% of students in cities have private tutors. Some people think it?s quite necessary to hire a tutor to help the students with their homework, while some people argue that hiring a tutor has more disadvantages than advantages.


        Why private tutoring is so popular? Well, many parents, for different kinds of reason, did not have the chance to receive a good education. When their children have problems in their study, they become helpless. Turn to the tutors for help seems to be the only solution.


        On the surface, hiring a tutor can help students to improve their marks, but in fact, it takes up too much time of the students? time that they will have no time for rest and entertainment. They spend all their time on study, they don?t have time to do exercise or play outside. What?s more, some teachers are eager to help students to do well on the exams, offering unnecessary tasks for the students, in this case, the students burden will be very heavy to some degree. Thus, I think it?s not necessary to have private tutors.



        如何避免孩子变得暴力How to Avoid Children Become Violent

        Recently bully children has become a hot topic again, this problem is never out of news. This situation usually appears in school, the strong, tall boys are always bully the weak one. However, now some girls seems had joined in the bully team. It?s reported a 12 year old girl who beat a 1 year old boy badly in the elevator, and throw him down from 25th floor. I believe it?s high time to avoid this bully situation.

        最近恶霸孩童又成为了 热点 ,这个问题永远都不会淡出新闻界。这种情形通常发生在校园里,强壮高大的男生常常欺凌弱小的。然而,现在有些女生似乎也加入了暴力队伍。有报道说一个12岁的女孩在电梯里暴打一个1岁的男孩,然后把他从25楼丢下去。我相信现在是时候避免这种暴力情况了。

        I think there are two important affection lead to children?s behavior. The first one is the education from parents. As we all know, parents are the first and most affective teacher for children. Since children are every good at copying, parents? manners will directly copied by children. Therefore, parents should not quarrel or fight in front of children, and spend more energy to teach children how to love others. Especially for a single parent family.


        Second, the children?s second teacher is the teacher from school. If teacher didn?t stop the violence as soon as possible, the school will become a cradle of violence. Teacher should not only teach student the knowledge from books, but also teach them how to behavior well. Moreover, children spend more time at school than at home, hence, teacher should take the responsibility to keep them out of violence.


        To sum up, children become a good one or bad one is due to the guidance from parents and teachers. The best way to avoid children become violent is teach them behavior well and supervise them.

        中而言之,孩子是好是坏取决于父母和老师的引导。防止孩子变得暴力的最好 方法 是教育他们循规蹈矩和监督他们。


        1. 关于家庭的英语作文带翻译

        2. 关于家庭的英语短文欣赏

        3. 关于家庭的高中英语作文

        4. 我的家庭小学英语作文5篇

        5. 我的家庭英语作文4篇

       When asked about why education is important, different people hold different attitude. Some people think education is a social phenomenon , there is inexistence or not important, while the rest think education is very essential. Personally, I think education is a good way to cultivate successors.


       First, education can help a man of good conduct. When a kid is growing, he doesn’t know how to distinguish good or bad, so , he need to be taught by his parents or teachers to identify the right thing, Then he can be a good man and adjust himself to the modern society. Second, nowadays, the world is intellectual, people live in this world without knowledge will be very hard to survive. So, the education is very important, people have to learn academically knowledge to live a better life.


       Therefore, a natural conclusion can be drawn that education is a way to make people to become a intelligent and good behavior one, besides it’s never too old to learn.

