







       Chinese table manners in the order of the full life occupies a very important position, they believe that eating is not only a way to meet basic physical needs --- the most important thing is social experience. To this end, the rules of certain knowledge of Chinese food will be particularly important, whether you are a master, or just a guest, must have some rules.

       ● Round table popular. Because it can take more people, and we can sit face to face, head of the family does not like the West long as the table clearly shaped by his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. Owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting near the serving * seat. This is a taboo.

       Have to wait until everyone in attendance can start any type of dining activities --- even if some people have to wait for being late. Once everyone in place, the host family will be able to make introductory remarks. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role in urging the guests enjoy the food and drink --- it is entirely reasonable.

       ● a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, particularly in the eyes of Westerners. Visible on the plate before each seat on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were on their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap.

       The formal banquet, eat dishes like slide show, every time a dish. Surprisingly, rice is not with the dishes as above, but you can choose to eat. The dishes have their own characteristics, it should be an individual taste, and time only to eat from a bowl, not a mixed taste. Unavailable plate to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on individual plates. Dirty dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.

       ● In addition to Tom, the gallery all the food in with chopsticks. May provide a tool *, but being Chinese, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are the eating tool, it must not play with them as chopsticks --- drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or make gestures. Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks chopsticks inserted in the rice, which is taboo --- This is like the funeral of incense is considered unlucky. Again, not with chopsticks in a Diecai stop turning, you should first check with the eye on the food you want. When you use chopsticks to pick up a piece of the food, try to avoid running into other foods. If possible, use next to the chopsticks and spoons. After dinner, or take for food, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.

       ● One seat Chinese restaurant tea can not claim if not formal. To this end, the storage of different varieties of tea as it is wise to ensure the most sophisticated taste also take care of. Issues related to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot should be held responsible for other people and their Zhencha --- Zhencha order in accordance with the age, from longest to the young person, the last pour for themselves. When the people you Zhencha, the etiquette should be tapping the table with your fingers, this is Zhencha who expressed gratitude and respect.

       Second, the etiquette rules

        China is the etiquette of helping people, Minsishiweitian, dining How can no rules! While stressing that no attention is three meals a day, but I knew better than do not know right!

       1, treat to notice, seated at 6:00, 5:50 the guests to be called, inappropriate.

       2, the host family can not be late; guests should be 5-10 minutes late, which is very considerate guests Oh, be careful to take, the natural host and the guest are Huan.

       3, if the sit round a table, facing the door of the main blocks, or against the wall, counters; emphasize some of the hotels will be used napkins distinction, the highest position napkins can not just sit Oh, unless you intend to good banquet myself:

       4, the master subject and object of the right hand side, the left hand side is the important guests; gate facing the master, is run errands entertain the Peiqia sit you.

       5 Guests do not directly to the order and calling guidance, obediently waiting for the host family should be a la carte; If guests really serious taboos or hobbies, should be gently told host family, the owner of natural putting his interests, meet guests little or significantly requirements.

       6, the host family, do not need points or less points grasping or holding food dishes, such as crab, lobster legs, ribs and more. A meal to the three dishes such rule no. What can be said etiquette!

       7, no small amount of force will not object to others drinking wine without fragmentation feast!

       8, the wine servings! Foreigners like to boast of skill, people may boast their own point of food, the host family carefully observed Liangcai Qi, every cup have drinks later, when immediately a toast to welcome the start of the class, the rotating disc or right hand side of the subject and object moving first chopsticks. Subject and object do not be too long Oh, sometime, we stomachs are hungry, eat you open it! Do not forget to eat some oh praise.

       9, after one of every dish, although the waiter and the owner will still go before the subject and object, but not too rigidly stick with you, if just in front of me, dead people rotating disc, I would first folder a small taste of chopsticks try it!

       10, the host family to be often the disk will cater to the vast majority of guests; Peiqia then added services while; guests hands can not touch the disk integrity and eat meals, the two sides are also Huan you.

       11, if no attendant at the food or chopsticks, Gongbiao, Jiacai time can be good, must not use their own chopsticks to pick in the session to pick, and even stirring! Not everyone is like love, like you do not mind the saliva on the chopsticks! Usually identified from their recent selection of that part.

       12, it is best to chopsticks on the food in their dish in transition look only into the mouth. Phase seem to be eating is not so urgent.

       13, when chewing food in the mouth, remember Bijin lips is a major event, so to speak, falling objects, juice spills, and to avoid a "Puma Puma Ji Ji" annoyance sound.

       14, both before and after meals or during meals, should be back straight, try to sit back and not * the chair. During the meal, largely in the hands above the desktop.

       15, the owner of a good appetite, and weight loss of the guests are not suitable for such a dinner, oh.

       餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法———也是头等重要的社交经验。为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则。 ●圆形餐桌颇受欢迎。因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认。客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下。主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位。此为一大忌。  必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等。一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了。进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的。  ●一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚。每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上。在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上。  在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃。由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝。不可用盘子吃,只能用碗。骨头和壳类放在个别盘中。不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换。  ●除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子。可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子。筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子———把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意。当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌———这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的。再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物。当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物。可能的话,用旁边的公筷和汤匙。吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座。  ●一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了。为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到。有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事。座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶———斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟。当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样做是对斟茶者表示感谢和敬意。 二、礼仪规则 中国人乃礼仪之帮,民以食为天,用餐岂能没有规矩!虽然说讲不讲究都是一日三餐,但是知道总比不知道好吧!  1、请客要早通知,6:00入席,5:50才叫客人来,不合适。  2、主人家不能迟到;客人应当迟到5-10分钟,这是非常体贴的客人哦,注意掌握,自然宾主皆欢。  3、要是坐圆桌子,对着大门的是主座,或是背靠墙、柜台的;讲究些的饭店,会用餐巾予以区分,餐巾最高大的位置不能随便坐哦,除非你打算好请客喽:  4、主人右手边的是主客,左手边的是次重要的客人;门边面对主人的,自然是跑腿招呼的陪客坐的啦。  5、做客人的不能直接向点菜员吆喝指点,应该乖乖坐等主人家点菜;如果客人确实有严重的忌口或爱好,应当轻轻告诉主人家,主人自然要替他做主,满足客人小小或大大的要求。  6、主人家,不点或少点需要用手抓或握着吃的菜,比如蟹、龙虾腿、排骨等等。一顿饭来上三个这样的菜就没治了。还有什么礼仪可讲!  7、不勉强也不反对别人少量饮酒,无酒不成宴嘛!  8、上酒水上菜了!老外喜欢自夸手艺,国人可不作兴吹嘘自己点的菜,主人家细心观察凉菜上齐、每位杯中都有酒水后,当立即举杯,欢迎开始之类的,转动圆盘或是示意右手边的主客动第一筷。主客可别推让太久哦,大家肚子都饿了,就等你开吃了!吃了的别忘了赞美一下哦。  9、之后的每道菜一上来,虽然服务员与主人还是会转到主客面前,但并不用太拘泥啦,如果正好在我面前,又没人转动圆盘,我也会先夹一小筷子尝尝的!  10、主人家要常常转圆盘,照顾到绝大部分客人;陪客则补充招呼服务一下;客人的手能不碰圆盘而吃完整餐,则宾主又皆欢啦。  11、如果没有服务员分菜或是公筷、公勺,夹菜的时候可要先看好,切不可用自己的筷子在盘中挑来拣去,甚至搅拌!不是每个人都像爱人一样不介意你筷子上的口水的!通常看准了拣距离自己最近的那部分。  12、最好让筷子上的食物在自己的接碟中过渡一下,才送入口中。可以使吃相看起来不是那么急切。  13、食物在口中咀嚼时,切记的大事就是闭紧双唇,以免说话、物体掉落、汁水外溢,以及免得发出"骠叽骠叽"的倒胃口声响。  14、无论是用餐期间或用餐前后,都应当背部挺直,尽量往后坐椅子而不*。用餐期间,基本上双手都在桌面以上。  15、一个太好胃口的主人,和正在减肥的客人,不适宜这样的饭局哦。



       The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.

       And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.


       Chinesetableetiquetteboilsdowntothefollowingpoints: 1.Admissionetiquette.Askguestsseatedontheseats.Pleaseelderlyguestsinattendancewereseatednexttoattendanceatfromtheleftsideintothechair.AdmissionDongkuaizinotafter.Whatmoredonotcometobeep.Nottogetupwalk.Ifwhathappenedtotheownernotice. Second,whenthemeal.Askguests.LongtheDongkuaizi.Jiacai,eachless.Farfromthefoodontheirowneatsome.Mealnotavoice.HeshangalsonotasounduseKaitangIspoonasmalldrinkandasmallmouth.Pawanfront-lipsnotdrink,soup,hotcoolafterZaikai.sidenottodrinkwhileblowingSomepeopleprefertochewfoodtoeat.extraordinaryfeellikeworkiscrispchewingfood,averyclearvoices.thisisnotetiquettedemands.extraordinaryandeveryoneiseatingtogether,asfaraspossibletopreventtheemergenceofthisphenomenon. Third:Donoteathiccup,othervoiceswillnotariseiftheresneezing,Changminginvoluntarily,suchasthesound,itisnecessarytosay"Iamsorry.";Iamsorry;."Oftheoriginalcooler."Withinthewords.toshowregret. Fourthifguestsoreldersgiveclothdish.Bestuseofchopsticksmayalsobetheguestsoreldersfarawayfromthedishestotheirfront,accordingtothehabitoftheChinesenation.DishisaoneoftheTop.Ifthesametablesleadership,theelderly,theguestssaid.Wheneverofanewdish,letthemfirstDongkuaizi.rotationorinvitethemtothefirstDongkuaizi.toshowtheirimportance. Fifth:eatthehead,fishbone,bonesandotherobjects,notWangwaimianvomit,notontothegroundstill.SlowlytogettheirhandsDiezili,orcloseontheirownoronCanzhuobianpreparedbeforehandgoodonpaper. Sixth:Toatimelymanneraboutthetimeandpeoplejustafewhumorous,toreconciletheatmosphere.Guangzhaotounoteat,regardlessofothers,anddonotdevouranddestroythelavishmeal,notjailsentence. 7:ItisbestnottothedinnertableTiyaifitistoTiya,willusenapkinsorsignblockedtheirmouths. 8:Toclearthemaintasksofthemeal.Mustbecleartodobusinessoriented.Feelingsortothemaincontact.Mainlyortoeat.Ifitistheformer,whenattentionshouldbepaidtotheseatingarrangements.Theirmainnegotiatorstheseatsneareachothertofacilitateconversations,ordredgeemotion.Ifitistheafter.needonlypayattentiontocommon-sensecourtesyontheline,tofocusontheappreciationofdishes, 9:Thelasttimeleft.Mustbeexpressedgratitudetothehost.Attheinvitationoftheownerortotheirownhomesafterthehousetoshowback Chinaistheetiquetteofhelpingpeople,Minsishiweitian,diningHowcannorules!Whilestressingthatnoattentionisthreemealsaday,butdonotknowknowbetterthanOK! 1.Invitinggueststonotice,Ruxi6:00,5:50才叫yourelderlyguests,itdoesnot.2.Hostswholookedtobelate;guestsshouldbe5-10minuteslate,andthisisveryconsiderateguestsOh,andpayattentiontograsp,naturalhostandtheguestareHuan.3.Ifsitroundatable,facingthedoorofthemainblocks,orback*walls,counters;emphasizesomehotelswillbeusednapkinsdistinction,thehighestpositionnapkinscannotcasuallysitOh,unlessyouintendtogoodbanquetwoven?:D 4.Mastersofthesubjectandobjectoftherighthandside,thelefthandsideoftheimportantguests;*gatefacingthemaster,ofcourse,isrunerrandsentertainthePeiqiasityou.5.Guestsdonotdirectlytothemembersofalacarteandcallingguidance,obedientlywaitingforthehostswholookedtobealacarteifguestsreallyserioustaboosorhobbies,andshouldbegentlytoldthehostswholooked,theownerofnaturalputtinghisinterestsandmeetguestslittleorsignificantlyrequirements.6.Hostswholookednotneedpointsorlessgraspingpoints,orholdingfooddishes,suchascrab,lobsterlegs,ribs,andsoon.Foramealtothethreedishessucharuleno.Whatcanbesaidetiquette!7.Notasmallamountofforcewillnotobjecttoothersdrinkwinewithoutfragmentationfeast!8.Onthewineservings!Foreignerlikestoboastofskill,peoplemayboasttheirownpoint-forthefood,hostswholookedatcarefullyobservedLiangcaiQi,everyCuphavedrinkslater,whenimmediatelydranktowelcomethestart...Like,rotatingdiskorrighthandsideindicatethesubjectandobjectmovingfirstchopsticks.Tuirangsubjectandobjectshouldnotbetoolong,oh,westomachsarehungry,itwilleatyouopen!Donotforgettoeatthepraiseofsomeoh.9.Afteroneofeverydish,althoughthewaiterandownerwillstillgobeforethesubjectandobject,butnottoorigidlystickwithyou,ifjustinfrontofme,deadpeoplerotatingdisc,Iwouldfirstfolderasmalltasteofchopsticks!10.Hostswholookedoftentothediskwillcatertothevastmajorityofguests;Peiqiathenaddedservicestoentertain;guestscannottouchthehandsofdiskintegrityandeatmeals,thetwosidesarealsoHuanyou.11.Ifthereisnoattendantatthefoodorchopsticks,Gongbiao,Jiacaithefirsttimecanbegood,mustnotusetheirownchopstickstopickinthesessiontopick,andevenstirring!Noteveryoneislikelove,likeyoudonotmindthesalivachopsticks!Usuallyidentifiedfromtheirrecentselectionpart.12.Letchopsticksonthebestfoodintheirtransitiontoadishinonlyintothemouth.Phaseseemtobeeatingisnotsourgent.13.Whenchewingfoodinthemouth,rememberBijinlipsisamajorevent,sotospeak,fallingobjects,Shishuispills,aswellastoavoida"PumaPumaJiJi"annoyancebeep.14.Duringthemeal,orbothbeforeandafterthemeal,shouldbebackstraight,asfaraspossiblebutnotlater*chairssit.Duringthemeal,basicallyinthehandsabovethedesktop.15.Themasterofaverygoodappetite,andweightlossareguests,nottheFanjuoh. 中国餐桌上的礼仪归结为以下几点: 一.入座的礼仪.先请客人入座上席.在请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入.入座后不要动筷子.更不要弄出什么响声来.也不要起身走动.假如有什么事要向主人打招呼. 第二,进餐时.先请客人.长着动筷子.夹菜时每次少一些.离自己远的菜就少吃一些.吃饭时不要出声音.喝汤时也不要出声响,喝汤用汤匙一小口一小口地喝.不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时凉了以后再喝.不要一边吹一边喝.有的人吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.非凡是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清楚的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的.非凡是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象. 第三:进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音,假如出现打喷嚏,肠鸣等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声"真不好意思".;对不起;."请原凉".之内的话.以示歉意. 第四;假如要给客人或长辈布菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族的习惯.菜是一个一个往上端的.假如同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当上来一个新菜时就请他们先动筷子.或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对他们的重视. 第五:吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等物时,不要往外面吐,也不要往地上仍.要慢慢用手拿到自己的碟子里,或放在紧靠自己餐桌边或放在事先预备好的纸上. 第六:要适时地抽空和左右的人聊几句风趣的话,以调和气氛.不要光着头吃饭,不管别人,也不要狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,更不要贪杯. 第七:最好不要在餐桌上剔牙.假如要剔牙时,就要用餐巾或手挡住自己的嘴巴. 第八:要明确此次进餐的主要任务.要明确以谈生意为主.还是以联络感情为主.或是以吃饭为主.假如是前着,在安排座位时就要注重.把主要谈判人的座位相互靠近便于交谈或疏通情感.假如是后着.只需要注重一下常识性的礼节就行了,把重点放在欣赏菜肴上, 第九:最后离席时.必须向主人表示感谢.或者就此时邀请主人以后到自己家做客,以示回 中国人乃礼仪之帮,民以食为天,用餐岂能没有规矩!虽然说讲不讲究都是一日三餐,但是知道总比不知道好吧! 1。请客要早通知,6:00入席,老人家你5:50才叫客人来,不对吧。2。主人家不能迟到;客人应当迟到5-10分钟,这是非常体贴的客人哦,注重把握,自然宾主皆欢。3。要是坐圆桌子,对着大门的是主座,或是背*墙、柜台的;讲究些的饭店,会用餐巾予以区分,餐巾最高大的位置不能随便坐哦,除非你打算好请客喽:D 4。主人右手边的是主客,左手边的是次重要的客人;*门边面对主人的,自然是跑腿招呼的陪客坐的啦。5。做客人的不能直接向点菜员吆喝指点,应该乖乖坐等主人家点菜;假如客人确实有严重的忌口或爱好,应当轻轻告诉主人家,主人自然要替他做主,满足客人小小或大大的要求。6。主人家,不点或少点需要用手抓或握着吃的菜,比如蟹、龙虾腿、排骨等等。一顿饭来上三个这样的菜就没治了。还有什么礼仪可讲!7。不勉强也不反对别人少量饮酒,无酒不成宴嘛!8。上酒水上菜了!老外喜欢自夸手艺,国人可不作兴吹嘘自己点的菜,主人家细心观察凉菜上齐、每位杯中都有酒水后,当立即举杯,欢迎开始。。。之类的,转动圆盘或是示意右手边的主客动第一筷。主客可别推让太久哦,大家肚子都饿了,就等你开吃了!吃了的别忘了赞美一下哦。9。之后的每道菜一上来,虽然服务员与主人还是会转到主客面前,但并不用太拘泥啦,假如正好在我面前,又没人转动圆盘,我也会先夹一小筷子尝尝的!10。主人家要经常转圆盘,照顾到绝大部分客人;陪客则补充招呼服务一下;客人的手能不碰圆盘而吃完整餐,则宾主又皆欢啦。11。假如没有服务员分菜或是公筷、公勺,夹菜的时候可要先看好,切不可用自己的筷子在盘中挑来拣去,甚至搅拌!不是每个人都像爱人一样不介意你筷子上的口水的!通常看准了拣距离自己最近的那部分。12。最好让筷子上的食物在自己的接碟中过渡一下,才送入口中。可以使吃相看起来不是那么急切。13。食物在口中咀嚼时,切记的大事就是闭紧双唇,以免说话、物体掉落、汁水外溢,以及免得发出"骠叽骠叽"的倒胃口声响。14。无论是用餐期间或用餐前后,都应当背部挺直,尽量往后坐椅子而不*。用餐期间,基本上双手都在桌面以上。15。一个太好胃口的主人,和正在减肥的客人,不适宜这样的饭局哦。


       China Dining Custom

       Table Manners

       The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.

       And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

       Eating No-no's

       Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!

       Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.

       Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.


       Gan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye

       Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that’s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you’re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.

       The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.

       Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.

       People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!
